At BCS, with encouragement and supports from both the teachers and parents our BCS have well equipped laboratories For Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Students are encouraged to use these laboratories to learn through experiments. Designed and spread over large functional areas, the Biology, Chemistry and Physics Laboratories ensure stringent safety measures. These labs are fully equipped to meet the curriculum demands and requirements for practical in all the 3 areas of learning allowing students complete hands on experience. Every year latest instruments, specimens, charts etc. are purchased for these laboratories. We gives a proper knowledge to the students to learn science by performing experiments, thus giving them not only the pleasure of "learning by doing" but also rendering the subject enjoyable and easy to understand. BCS emphasizes to students that in general, statements should not be accepted as facts just because they are stated in a book. Instead, they should be verified by observations and rational conclusions drawn from such observations. It is through such an attempt that we hope to inculcate and nurture a scientific attitude among the school children.


BCS have Math labs for junior (classes 1 to 5) and senior (classes 6 to 10) section. It is a place where students can learn and explore various mathematics concepts and verify various mathematical facts and theorems using variety of activities and it is well equipped with necessary kits and tools. It provides an opportunity to the students to understand and internalize the basic mathematical concepts through concrete objects and situations. It provides greater scope for individual participation in the process of learning and becoming autonomous learners. We are providing compressive additional learning solutions in mathematics with Abacus & Vedic Mathematics. It helps students to solve the mathematics puzzles, questions in a fraction. It called a special math learning session


English speaking course is designed so that students enjoy learning and communicating in a new language while discovering a new culture. BCS have a special English Lab in the school. Since its inception, the Lab has expanded to provide students with quality teaching and learning related to English language, literature and communicative skills. It is located in the main building of the school. It has an independent language laboratory, with 30 books and a teacher console, a well-equipped classroom, a separate staff-room and an excellent collection of software for language learning. This lab is known as "English Speaking Lab". Proficiency in English is required in all fields. On the strength of their English Proficiency, our students have excelled in teaching, competitive exams, technical writing, and educational material production among the many other fields. Leaning English from BCS is a valuable asset. It is an innovative Lab of English. The faculty is actively involved in organizing several activities like essay competitions, effective public speaking, workshops, etc.